April Boyd: How to Transform the Pain of Losing a Little One

Episode 127: April Boyd is a private practice therapist with clients across the globe, creator of the Baby Loss Survival Guide, and founder of the Love & Loss Project, an online comfort & inspiration station for women who have experienced the loss of a baby or pregnancy.  When April is not doing the work she loves to do, you might find her on the top of a paddleboard or the side of mountain with her hunky boyfriend and her six pound Yorkie Sasha.  April is committed to turning the tragedy of her daughter’s life story into a love story by living her own life as brightly as possible and helping others to do the same.  You can get her free self-care kit or send her question for her Q & A videos at lovelossproject.com.Show notes:

  • Come join me in Boulder, CO for my next live empowerment event More Than This

  • Apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE

  • Join my affordable group coaching program and transform your life HERE

  • April’s story of how she was able to conquer the heart-wrenching tragedy of losing a child and come out a better person

  • Her little one, Norah, passed away when she was just a day old

  • How devastated she was when this tragedy happened

  • How she acknowledged that she was at a crossroads and decided to learn and grow from the experience instead of winding on a downward path

  • How committed she has been in achieving the goal on how to honor her daughter’s legacy

  • The universal question everyone asks when going through something - “Why me?” and why it is dangerous

  • Understanding why pain isn’t personal

  • The fear of feeling like betraying the person you lost or leaving them behind when you start to feel positive again

  • Being afraid of what people might say after allowing herself to feel alive again

  • Why it’s okay not to feel guilty when you start to enjoy life again after the process of grieving

  • How holding on to the reason you want to get through acts as an anchor to help pull yourself up from the dark

  • Why avoid negative coping mechanisms like comparing your life with others and end up getting jealous and insecure

  • Focus on key things like compassion and contentment

  • How movement such as yoga and exercise acts as an outlet for suppressed feelings like rage, anger and guilt

  • Feeling connected to mortality and why live the life you want now

  • She used her experience with struggle and loss to teach others to change their life for the better

  • Must-read book: The Desire Map by Danielle Laporte

Connect with April:

{COACHING} Ready to break limiting beliefs + Take your self-worth to the next level? Apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE.

{NEXT LIVE EVENT} Claim your ticket to come to MORE THAN THIS: a two-day intensive to break limiting beliefs, expand your self-worth, and live for something bigger. Play in the mountains with hosts Amanda Gyuran and I HERE.


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