Anxiety & Overthinking: Let Go With the Aid of Self-Compassion and Spirituality

Episode 152: Chances are, at some point or another you have experience anxiety, obsessiveness, overthinking and/or perfectionism. A theme in my life the past couple weeks in both my personal life and my coaching practice has been the theme of anxiety and overthinking.How do you stop?How do you give your mind a second to rest?What does it take to "stop" anxiety?I know for certain what won't work, and that's getting anxious about the anxiety. That only promotes more anxiety about the feeling of anxiety and so on (helloooo snowball effect).Before you know it, you're feeling full of shame and guilt for having anxiety and not being "fixed" enough.In today's podcast episode I'm going to get very truthful about how to heal your anxiety and overthinking tendency through the power of self-compassion and trust in spirituality. I'm going to share a bit about how I too have experienced pain this year by being vulnerable, and how I've been healing my heart through the process without overthinking any of it.Show notes:

  • Get 10 days of meal plans for free from PlateJoy! Enter code MADDY to save $10 on your membership.

  • Join me with my journey in Costa Rica! Let's refurbish a kindergarten and explore the country together! Click THIS link to know more!

  • What anxiety feels like and why it's such a struggle to be vulnerable

  • If you are always anxious and you overthink almost EVERY situation, do these:

    • Accept yourself for who you are - acknowledge your anxiety, overthinking and/or depression

    • Feel your feelings and be honest about them

    • Must-read book: Gifts of Imperfection by Brenรฉ Brown

    • How God intentionally made you who you are and the way you are

    • How we are not in control of everything and why it's okay to let go and let God

    • Looking at relationships as teachers

    • Don't blame openness and vulnerability for any of the pain you experience

    • Valuing yourself and putting an end to thinking something is wrong with you

    • What my past relationships have taught me:

      • Sex shame; it may take time to heal it, but the less thinking and more feeling you do the better!

      • The beauty of having a partner who is both "in" his Masculine and his Feminine

      • How to be more vulnerable, open and spoken from the beginning

      • When you do an old behavior again (example: binge eating when you thought you were recovered), don't water-down all the beautiful progress you've made. Don't say "Oh I must not be recovered." You are! You're in a new chapter in life and happened to do an old behavior. It says nothing about you and your progress.

      • The difference between learning and shaming

Connect with Maddy:

{COACHING} Ready to break limiting beliefs + Take your self-worth to the next level? Apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE.{RETREAT} Want to join me in August for a LIFE-CHANGING trip to Mexico City?


Join me, this August 3-8 2017 as I lead a group of men and women on a 6-day experience in impact work, reflection, and cultural immersion.First, we'll spend two days revitalizing a primary school by repairing damaged infrastructure, painting murals, planting gardens, teaching English, and playing games with the students.


Then, we will head to the jungles of Tepoztlan, Mexico: known as birthplace of the ancient Mayan God Quetzalcoatl.

Here we'll take two days to reflect and reconnect, with a carefully-crafted agenda of meditation and yoga, Mayan Sweat Lodge ceremonies led by a local Shaman, chakra therapy pools and a walking labyrinth meditation, hikes into the hills and healthy meals shared onsite.

I will be joining the trip as a facilitator, where I will be leading workshops on manifestation, making a difference in the world, playing bigger and so much more.



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