Andie Mitchell: From Binge Eating Disorder to Orthorexia to Delicious, Long-Lasting Balance

Episode 66: Andie Mitchell is the author of the New York Times bestselling memoir, It Was Me All Along, which chronicles her journey to lose 135 pounds and her lifelong struggle with food, weight, and body image. Today, she is a writer and recipe developer whose inspiring story and work has been featured on Good Morning America, Dr. Oz, The View, and in magazines like People, Marie Claire, Elle, Shape, Glamour, and many more. She lives in New York City where she writes a weekly column for Yahoo Health and maintains her first love, her blog: Mitchell.Can I just emphasize this one more time....Andie. Mitchell. I am beyond thrilled to have her on the show today- elated to be exact- because her book, It Was Me All Along, took me on a journey like most books cannot.Andie has been on both sides of the spectrum, unhealthy physically and then after losing 135 pounds, found herself unhealthy mentally (towards food). Listen to this episode to learn insights you really cannot find elsewhere. Yay!And don't forget to join the Mind Body Musings Tribe HERE.Show notes:

  • The negative side of both stretchy pants and yoga pants

  • Developing her relationship with food as a child believing a "full fridge is a full heart"

  • How her weight made her different and "not ideal" to the rest of the world

  • Tips for parents that want to encourage their kids to be healthy (without judgement)

  • A desire to receive praise from your parents as a grown up

  • Her fry revelation (we've all had one of these at some point or another)

  • Possessed with motivation= your moment of change

  • Losing 135 pounds and creating an orthorexic mindset

  • How she finally healed herself of eating disorders and rebuilt a balanced relationship with food

  • This quote >> "Being thin was not worth feeling like I wanted to die every day or like I had to compulsively exercise, run four or five meals a day, so I had to really decide I had to change."

  • How she identifies the real problem when she feels a desire to binge creep up

Connect with Andie:

{COACHING} Desire to create an online business with your passion for helping others? Want to heal your disordered eating? Want to travel the world, but you’re holding yourself back out of fear? If you’re ready for any big change in your life, apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE

{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching. Sign up to be notified of the next one HERE.


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