Adventures in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is quaint, cozy, eclectic, spunky and cold. The first day I arrived it was windy and snowing which made it a little challenging to go through my typical "walk around until I'm lost" first day. As much as there is to explore in Amsterdam, my stamina and energy was exhausted during my time here. I spent half of my time exploring and the other half recovering from my previous ventures.While I was a full blown extrovert in earlier vagabonding, I used the cold weather to give me a little more permission to slow down. I needed it. With that said, I still saw so many beautiful sites, met some great people and had a wonderful time.

This is literally what Amsterdam looks like. So cute.

There are over 1,500 bridges, and there are more canals here than Venice.

I couldn't not visit the Anne Frank Haus while in Amsterdam. It was such an incredible experience to be inside of that tiny space and learn all of the history of Anne and her family. If you go to Amsterdam, I would highly recommend going here.

Going to a library isn't normally on a tourist's list, but I heard that the Amsterdam Public Library had an incredible view of the city. I made my way out there to find out that the roof was closed off due to the snow. Bummer, but if you ever make it out, get on that roof and let me know how it is!

Moco Museum Banksy + Salvador Dali exhibit

There were also some churches and other places on my list to visit, including: Corrie Ten Boom, Our Lord in the Attic, the Van Gogh Museum, Westerkerk, Museum of Resistance, Rijksmuseum, IJ-Hallen Flea Market, Albert Cuypmarkt, and the Heineken Experience.

As you can see, I had an extensive list. One reason why I didn't get to make it to all of these places was because of the weather and the other reason was because I was just super tired! Hey, no shame there. Once upon a time, I might have felt super guilty for not seeing everything, being everywhere, and doing it all, but I truly believe that there is no right or wrong way to have a trip. I needed rest more than I needed to see all of the things, and I'm super happy with how the trip turned out. I would love to come back to Amsterdam someday and see it during the spring. I imagine it's adorable.

I ate a lot of yogurt bowls in Amsterdam because my breakfast bar had an entire yogurt station. It was heaven. Here are some of my Amsterdam eats:

Salad & The City (I'm obsessed with this spot)


Stach (chill place for working // meeting a friend)

 Juice by Nature. They have wonderful wraps, salads, juices (duh) and some pretty incredible sweets. (Side note: I've been eating so many treats this trip because Europe knowsss how to bake. If you go to Europe, do not miss out on sayin' yes to the brownie, babe.)

I'd say the highlight of my trip was meeting with Hanna Bier, who was on my podcast here. Hanna's episode is still one of my most listened-to episodes, so I highly recommend you check it out if you haven't yet. She and I were consumed in conversation for six hours, talking about how we both feel like sometimes we haven't done much with our lives, and have no idea where we are headed. It was so beautiful to be able to share so openly with another soul sister, and I'm going to be forever grateful for our shared connection.

I stayed at the Victoria Park Plaza Hotel, directly across the street from the Amsterdam Central Station. This made it super convenient to locate if I ever got lost because nearly anyone could point me in the direction of the central station if I got lost. Also, the food was incredible, my room was gorgeous and the staff was great. I HIGHLY recommend staying here if you come to Amsterdam, it's impossible to regret.

That's all for Amsterdam! I just arrived in Cologne, Germany, so stay tuned for another post as I round out my incredible European adventure.

Have you ever been to Amsterdam? What did you like the most?

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Jake Heilbrunn: Off the Beaten Trail, Solo Travel and Quitting School