How to Not Abandon Yourself in a Relationship or When Dating

Episode 233: In this podcast, Madelyn Moon discusses how to not abandon yourself in your loving relationships so you can remain true to yourself and feel connected to who you really are. Each day you have a divine opportunity and responsibility to not abandon yourself and it makes all the difference in your relationships. By connecting to and fulfilling your daily needs and desires, you eliminate resentment, blame, and shame with the people you love the most. Madelyn takes us on a beautiful deep dive into why and how we abandon ourselves and the essential steps we can take to fix this.Show notes:

  • Nadia Munla episode: Getting Into Your Heart and Out of Your Head Through Dance, Sensuality and Body Wisdom

  • The interview series with men that Maddy is currently musing on.

  • An update with living in NYC — the lessons she’s learning and how the energy of the city is affecting her.

  • Maddy’s thoughts on first dates and the essential thing you need to do.

  • How she handles who pays for the bill on a first date.

  • “On a macro level, when you abandon all of the opportunities to remain true to yourself you start to feel disconnected to yourself."

  • #1 How we abandon ourselves: we assume what the other person wants.

  • #2 How we abandon ourselves: we make what they want more important than what we want.

  • Own the fact that you are making that choice; don’t become a victim of your choice.

  • Why sovereignty is the most important thing to embody when faced with a choice.

  • Don’t say yes when you want to say no.

  • Consent ripples into all areas of our lives.

  • #3 How we abandon ourselves: we forget the little things that bring us joy.

  • How to combine your needs when you’re dating someone.

  • #4 How we abandon ourselves: we use the relationship as an excuse to not go for what we want.

  • Singlehood is where we really learn who we are. It makes it easier to find out things about yourself because there is no one else to take into consideration. There’s much more time for you.

  • “Everyday you have the opportunity to abandon yourself or not to.”

  • Singlehood solidifies the truth. Relationships strengthen your ability to stand in your truth.

  • Put an outing on your calendar - don’t plan anything with your partner; stick to your plan.

  • Find one thing you miss about being single and bring her into your relationship.

  • Speak your fears out loud - do not hold them in.

  • Notice where you withhold. Withholding is not love.

  • Know that sometimes it’s okay to do what you need to do.

  • Maddy’s disclaimer: When there is emotional, physical, verbal abuse present, none of this applies. This is when you leave. No soul needs to go through abuse.

Connect with Maddy:

{COACHING} Desire to create an online business with your passion for helping others? Want to heal your disordered eating? Want to travel the world, but you’re holding yourself back out of fear? If you’re ready for any big change in your life, apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE.

{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching. Sign up to be notified of the next one HERE.


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