6 Ways to Train Your Intuition Muscle

Episode 105: During my time traveling in Asia, I've been working on my next book. The book is going to be focusing completely on intuitive living, and teaching you how to live a life rich with intuition in regards to everything, not just food. One of the chapters in the book is about different ways to train your intuition muscle, going over at least 20 different strategies.I wanted to go ahead and share a few of those ways with you in this episode, so sit back, take some notes and enjoy learning about the beautiful gift you already have inside yourself.Apologies for the "pop" sound in this recording when I say my "p's". I don't have a pop filter yet, but I plan to have one soon so hopefully there won't be too many episodes with this going on.Show notes:

  • Check out Day One, my all time favourite journaling app HERE

  • Using your intuition is important not just for food and movement, but for safety

  • The importance of saying "no" when something is no longer serving you

  • Why you should write a list of 10 things you want to start saying no to (these can be emotional, mental or physical)

  • Don't apologize for being yourself anymore!

  • Listen to THIS episode with Tara Mohr if you haven't yet

  • Get the book Playing Big by Tara Mohr HERE

  • Get the Google Plugin Just Not Sorry HERE

  • You're never really in control- I'll explain why

  • How to get back in touch with your intuition using journaling

  • When you start to think, stop

  • My favourite quote in all the world: "Whenever we need to make a very important decision it is best to trust our instincts, because reason usually tries to remove us from our dream, saying that the time is not yet right. Reason is afraid of defeat, but intuition enjoys life and its challenges.” - Paulo Coelho

Connect with me:

Make a one-time donation to the podcast HERE.Download the journaling app Day One in the App Store HERE (phone version) or the Mac Store HERE (computer version).


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