10 Keys to Getting Through a Life Transition

Episode 128: In this episode of the Mind Body Musing Podcast, I'm going to talk about 10 keys to getting through a life transition. Are you currently somewhere in between? Are you packing up your things to move to a new city? Are you fed up with your current relationship? Tired of your job? Recovering from an injury?It is important to remember that transition isn't permanent. Whatever you're going through right now, remember: it's just a transition. Think of it as a tunnel that you are currently passing through. How do you get through this tunnel without getting stuck in the dark?No matter how big or small it is, keep in mind that a positive mindset will result to a positive outcome. Here is a list of 10 keys to getting through a life transition you can start to establish in your life today.Show notes:

  • Know more about my 1:1 coaching HERE

  • Focus on what you can do during the transition

  • Life transition such as moving to a new city, quitting a job, recovering injury, leaving a relationship

  • "There is stillness in chaos"

  • 1. Ask the right question.

    • “Why is this happening FOR me?” instead of “why is this happening TO me?”

    • Believe that the world has your back.

  • 2. Embrace change.

    • Change is inevitable

    • Rejection is God’s protection

  • 3. Make goals.

    • Write a list that makes you think outside of the box, or that makes you think of different ways

    • Write your emotions, feelings and ideas to maintain positivity, to keep you going

  • 4. Surrender to the “how”

    • Do not become attach to the “how”

    • Get out of your comfort zone

    • Be open-minded

    • Question everything so you continue to grow

  • 5. Take radical responsibility for everything that happens in your life

    • OWN it!

  • 6. Have constant evaluation and check yourself.

    • Let go of old beliefs that are no longer applicable to your life

  • 7. Have support.

    • Have a coach or mentor

    • Know who you can go to share about your life

    • Be vulnerable.

  • 8. Always look for something to look forward to

    • Have something in the future to look towards

  • 9. Have gratitude

    • Create a gratitude practice today

    • Be thankful for the beautiful things you have in life.

  • 10. Use both no and yes precisely.

    • Be particular and intentional

  • Sign up for my upcoming live intensive in Boulder, CO called More Than This HERE

{COACHING} Ready to break limiting beliefs + Take your self-worth to the next level? Apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE.

{NEXT LIVE EVENT} Claim your ticket to come to MORE THAN THIS: a two-day intensive to break limiting beliefs, expand your self-worth, and live for something bigger. Play in the mountains with hosts Amanda Gyuran and I HERE.


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