10 Inspirational New Year Intentions

Episode 81: In this episode of the Mind Body Musings Podcast, I introduce you to 10 inspirational intentions for the New Year. I believe the New Year is one of the craziest times of the year, especially in the media, as everybody is promoting their exercise programs, diets, training courses, or products. People use this as a time to encourage their followers to DO more. To CHANGE more.I have something to say about that.I don't believe the New Year is a time for you to set impossibly high standards for yourself, which will inevitably lead you feeling sad and "failure-like" when you can't reach them. Instead, I think you should create intentions for yourself to become more of who you are already, by coming out of the muck and all of the fog that's been surrounding you for the last year.I believe the New Year is a great time to de-clutter, de-stress, and be with yourself.Don't you agree? Here are my 10 inspirational intentions for the New Year...Show notes:

  • Let go of anything no longer serving you

  • Say NO more

  • Acknowledge your inner critic

  • Become what it is that you want

  • Date yourself

  • Experience more intimacy

  • Simplify (don’t keep anything you don’t like, don’t do anything that’s pointless)

  • Serve

  • Don’t take anything personally (and take things less seriously)

  • Be more, do less

Do you have some that I missed? Please share in the comments below!

Additionally, HERE'S a video I recently made about why you shouldn't have a weight loss goal this New Year.


How to Handle Weight Gain After Extreme Dieting


Thais Sky: How to Step Into Your Power and Become a Natural Leader