The Temple

A year-long container in devotion to creative intimacy, erotic polarity and sacred union for the budding artist of love.


  • I learned how to channel my triggering emotions into creative masterpieces.

  • I learned to separate romantic love from love-love (leading me to loving without abandon)

  • I cultivated a life full of sacred ceremony.

  • I became an energetic match for my dream masculine counterpart (and have learned how to remain present when our triggers feel so very intense).

  • I developed skills for flowing in and out of masculine + feminine polarity with my beloved and myself.

  • I learned to hold more in relationship (including more triggering moments or conflict) which has resulted in me being able to hold more in all of life (more money, more abundance, more friendships, more comfort, more sacredness)

Do you want to make your relationships in 2022 the most creative & liberated yet?

The Temple is a year long container for those who want to refine their transmission of love, have more agency over their feminine-masculine energetics and create masterful pieces of art while doing so. Come - lay down the sacred bricks of your Temple as an artist of love.


You may be ready to enter The Temple ifโ€ฆ

  • You are a human who wants a big relationship with big ceremonies and big creativity and big emotions and deep, deep depth.

  • You want fresh, creative ways to channel your sea of emotions so that youโ€™re never again twiddling your thumbs, repressing feelings that want to be felt.

  • You want a deliciously polarized relationship, where youโ€™re feeling the consciousness of god in your partner and he is feeling the light of angels in you.

  • You want to learn the Artistic Loverโ€™s โ€˜North Starsโ€™ in great depth and detail!

  • You want to learn how to be an Artist of Love, creating masterpieces out of triggers.

  • You desire to refine your transmission as a woman, so that youโ€™re opening the rooms and relationships you enter to greater love.

  • You want to balance the one in you who is deeply feminine and the one in you who likes to work and build up your dreams. (p.s. - they serve each other deeply)

  • You want to feel free to change yourself as a woman or man, regardless of who is watching.

  • Youโ€™re yearning to make peace with your longing, your grief, your jealousy, your painโ€ฆ and even learn to play with it.

  • You want support as you do all of this.


You do not need to be in a relationship to enter The Temple. You are the relationship.

Act Accordingly.

So many women are waiting for a โ€œconscious manโ€ to open them.

This is not how it works. Hereโ€™s what happens insteadโ€ฆ.


Step 1 : Decide to take a new shape with your body.

So many people think that what we attract comes from the mind, but it doesnโ€™t. It comes from the body. For example, if you have the belief that all men suck, you will walk around taking a shape in your body that transmits exactly that belief. And youโ€™ll find man after man who compliments that shape. If you want to have a different life, you have to start with the shapes you take.

(this has nothing to do with physical size / weight and everything to do with how you breathe and move through life)

Step 2 : Create from the essence of that shape.

Begin to make art. Be the energetic ball of feminine energy that you are. Feel previously repressed emotions for the sake of you. Create ceremony at home. Anoint yourself with flower essence. Make a skit. Practice shadow work. Feel your feelings.

Step 3 : Blast out your gifts to the world.

Unleash the dam on your river of love! Let it flow. Blast open your belovedโ€™s heart. Disarm the shield of strangers with your natural radiance. Surprise a first date with your wide permission field of acceptance for everything he shares. Become a transmission of openness. Have your pride be sacrificed in the name of love.


What You Receive in The Templeโ€ฆ



Each month Madelyn will teach a masterclass from her signature frameworks. Sample classes include, Laying the Sacred Bricks of Devotion, Feminine-Masculine Polarity, The Artistry of Love with Self and more.

MONTHLY office hours

Receive personalized attention from Madelyn to support you as you refine your artistic intimacy and feminine practice in these 60 minute calls.


Select teachers will be invited into The Temple to go deeper into the garden of polarity, expression and intimacy.



Throughout the year-long container, there will be two six-hour online intensives. If you do not attend live, you will still receive the recordings.



You will be invited into a private virtual Temple where a culture of respect, devotion and reverence for all will be cultivated.



This Temple is a place of devotion and reverence to lineage. Discover wisdom that has been passed down from teacher to teacher in this special portal.


*You will have access to replays for all calls* 


By entering The Temple, you will learnโ€ฆ

  • How to move your feminine through and out of your body, whether you are shimmering starlight or a gushing volcano.

  • The art of turning your relationship drama into dharma (dharma : your individual purpose here on earth).

  • How to stop emasculating the masculine - and to authentically feel the divine in men (even if you still have unprocessed grief)

  • How to create staying power in the right relationships (stay when itโ€™s worth it, leave when itโ€™s not)

  • How to feel your longing and make art from it (instead of stuffing it way way down, which is a waste of perfectly good art material tbh)

  • To bring more to the table in regards to ceremony - being an Artist of Love is a true skill.

  • How to see all of your relationships as a spiritual practice rather than something frustrating happening โ€œto you.โ€

  • How to handle more โ€” the more you are physically able to receive, the more you will manifest in your life. Low nervous system capacity = less manifesting. High nervous system capacity = high manifesting.

โ€œMadelyn is a force. Sheโ€™s unafraid, and digs deep into the core of truth. I believe that what she is bringing forth into the world will affect change and is deeply needed in these times.โ€

LeAnn Rimes

When you close your heart, two deaths happen.

1. A part of you dies.

The part of you who wants to love without abandon. You now have to hold back, close up and restrain. Your feminine does not want this.

2. A part of the world dies.

A little pocket of the planet that needs your open, creative heart is left cold and lonely, yearning for your radiance.

Learn how to open, again and again, for the sake of love.


Enter The Temple if you are ready forโ€ฆ




A life RICH with artistic expression (videos, poetry, dances, ceremony, skits, or even mere facial expressions and sounds)


A life of MORE. More depth, more ceremony, more love, more emotion, more embodiment, more of you.


A life of POLARITY. Feminine and masculine polarity is something you experience within yourself, with other and with the world. Learn these three circles of polarity first in order to actually be able to embody them with a lover.


TWELVE MONTHS of learning, community, support and growth alongside other radiant humans hungry for this way of living too.


Feminine - Masculine Polarity, Creative Intimacy and Sacred Ceremony are not fits for everyone. It takes a specific, unique breed of woman to go down this pathโ€ฆ

Therefore, I have built my entire life around surrounding myself with those exact people.

On any regular Tuesday night, you can find my partner and I surrounded by candles as we lay on top a floor full of sheepskins, breathing each other.

On any regular Wednesday afternoon, Iโ€™ll be in session with my teacher whoโ€™s taking me into a tantric journey where the Divine and I make sweet, sweet love.

On any weekend, Iโ€™ll be dancing to mystical music with my friends so we can release built-up tension from our week (followed by sushi and money-making conversation cause weโ€™re well-rounded bitches).


 The Temple is a way of being. So, I ask youโ€ฆIs it yours?


The Temple will remain open throughout the year, but this is the lowest price it will be. Join ANYTIME to receive all previous calls + upcoming calls.




1 Payment of $1,111





2 Payments of $777



What others have to say about Madelynโ€ฆ

Repeat after me โ€ฆ

I am safe to spend this money. I know and trust that as I invest in my feminine heart, I am investing in a more erotic and creative life. I am deserving of this program.

Add ons


Private Voxer Coaching ($4k/month)

If you want private attention for one or all of the months, you can sign up for Voxer coaching with Madelyn at $4,000/month. Unlimited access to Madelyn. Unlimited expression.

Creativity in Love

Madelynโ€™s deepest container. If you want to make 2022 your most liberated, expressive year yet โ€”pair The Temple with Creativity in Love and youโ€™ll receive $250 off Creativity in Love. Application required.


Please email to sign up for either.




  • Creativity in Love is Madelyn's advanced practice group, and requires an application to join. CIL is a four-month program that includes an in-person intensive, eight two-hour live group calls, personal assignments, personal contact with Madelyn and homework. The Temple does not include personal contact with Madelyn outside of the office hours call or the day-long immersions. The Temple is nine months long (intentionally to be like a baby in the womb) and will offer you feminine + masculine codes for nearly a year.

  • At the start of every month, Madelyn will post the date and time of each masterclass and Q&A call in the private group.

  • You bet!

  • Madelyn will not be answering questions in the virtual Temple, but her team will be available whenever you need them. She has private monthly Voxer coaching for anyone in The Temple who wants to have access to her for any or all of the months! You can also come to the live office hours calls to get your questions answered.

  • We will contact you once we are notified and give you three days to update your card. If we do not hear back from you, or you do not update your card, we will remove you from the program without a refund. We ask that you really do treat this space like a Temple with respect and devotion.

  • Yes. If you are a male or masculine practitioner, please be aware before registering that much of what Madelyn teaches comes from the perspective of the Feminine, but if you're looking for a place to grow as an Artist of Love, we welcome you.

  • No, we will not cancel payments once someone has entered into our sacred space. Please understand this before registering.

  • There are no refunds for The Temple, or any of Madelyn's offerings. Please reach out to us beforehand if you have any specific questions. We also hold the right to release you from The Temple without a refund if you are behaving in any inappropriate way that creates disruption within the space.

  • If you're unsure of joining The Temple, please watch any of Madelyn's previous masterclasses to get a taste of what's in store. She also has thousands of Instagram posts and videos for you to enjoy, as you grow accustomed to her teaching style!

  • We do and our scholarship applicants have all been selected for this year.

  • We have made it so that you can join The Temple anytime! When you sign up, you will receive access to the online community where youโ€™ll be able to access all previous calls and the links to any future upcoming calls.